Personal name: Hakusō Sōshitsu (1770-1826) 柏叟 宗室 Zen name: Nintokusai 認得斎
Personal name: Hakusō Sōshitsu (1770-1826) 柏叟 宗室 Zen name: Nintokusai 認得斎
The townsman Murata Jukou aka Shukou (1421-1502) of Nara, the early developer of wabi-style chanoyu. ‘Til his era, artistic living is monopolized by Chinese art…
Personal name: Sekisō Sōshitsu (1893-1964) 直叟 宗室 Zen name: Tantansai (AKA: Mugensai) 淡々斎 (無限斎)
Ikkyu (一休宗純 Ikkyū Sōjun) (1394-1481) was a Japanese Zen Buddhist priest and poet. He was also one of the creators of the formal Japanese tea…
12th generation Urasenke grand tea master (oiemoto). Personal name: Jikishō Sōshitsu (1852-1917) 直叟 宗室 Zen name: Yumyōsai 又玅斎
8th generation Urasenke grand tea master (O-iemoto) Ittō Sōshitsu (1719-71) 一燈 宗室 Yūgensai 又玄斎 When his older brother Saisaisai died without a heir Ittō became…
Born 19th of April 1923. Personal name: Hōsō Sōshitsu XV (Sen Genshitsu) 汎叟 宗室 Zen name: Hōunsai 鵬雲斎 Also known as: Dr. Soshitsu Sen XV…
Seichū Sōshitsu (1810-77) 精中 宗室 Gengensai 玄々斎 During his time the Meiji government wanted to label tea as a past time instead of an art…
Name: Gabriel Caciula Location: Belgium, Brussels Tea Studies: New York – Urasenke Center Japan – Tokyo – Private Instructor Degree: First Degree Instructor Languages: English,…
Background Furuta Oribe (1544-1615) was a warrior that eventually became a chajin. Some sources have his father as beeing among Hideyoshi’s cultural retainers, however…