Gomei – June
6 水無月
銘・季語 Words for the Month
青梅 | あおうめ | aoume | a green plum |
芦笛 | あしぶえ | asibue | a reed pipe |
編笠 | あみがさ | amigasa | a woven straw hat |
漁火 | いさりび | isaribi | a fisherman’s fire |
岩清水 | いわしみず | iwashimizu | a stream running between rocks |
浮船 | うきふね | ukifune | a floating boat |
浮巣 | うきす | ukisu | a floating nest (=a grebe’s nest) |
優曇華 | うどんげ | udonge | eggs of lacewings on grass/trees (as a lucky omen) |
雷 * 鳴神 | かみなり * なるかみ | kaminari * narukami | thunder * (a god of ) thunder |
翡翠 | かわせみ | kawasemi | a kingfisher |
黒南風 | くろはえ | kurohae | a south wind in the beginning of rainy season |
苔衣 | こけごろも | kokegoromo | mossy ground |
早乙女 | さおとめ | saotome | a rice planting girl |
五月闇 * 五月雨 | さつきやみ * さみだれ | satsukiyami * samidare | a rain in the rainy season |
白南風 | しらはえ | shirahae | a south wind in the end of rainy season |
田植 | たうえ | taue | rice-planting |
竹落葉 | たけおちば | takeochiba | bamboo fallen leaves |
滝の糸 | たきのいと | taki no ito | water in a waterfall |
茅の輪 | ちのわ | chi no wa | a gate made of rice plants |
梅雨寒 | つゆざむ | tsuyuzamu | unusual coldness in the rainy season |
虎が雨 | とらがあめ | tora ga ame | rain on 28th May in the lunar calendar |
夏衣 | なつごろも | natsugoromo | summer kimono |
夏の朝 * 夏の暁 | なつのあさ * なつのあかつき | natsu no asa * natsu no akatsuki | summer morning |
万緑 | ばんりょく | banryoku | a cover of green leaves |
氷室 | ひむろ | himuro | an icehouse |
仏法僧 | ぶっぽうそう | buppousou | a scops owl |
蛍狩り | ほたるがり | hotarugari | catching fireflies |
短夜 | みじかよ | mijikayo | a short night |
山背 | やませ | yamase | wind blowing over the mountain |
露の宿 | Tsuyu no yado | House of Dew | |
麦笛 | Mugibue | Straw Flute | |
吹流 | Fukinagashi | Streaming Pennant | |
雫の宿 | Shizuku no Yado | House of Droplets | |
白夜 | Byakuya | Pale Night |
source for the last 5: http://nihonjinron.wordpress.com/gomei-銘/6