Shifuku are small pouches made of silk made to protect the item in question. Each shifuku is specially made for that particular item. Chaire always have at least one shifuku and it is not unusuall for old Chaires to have two or three. In some of the Chabako and higher level Temaes the Chawan also have a shifuku. In Chabako the Chashaku will sometimes also be in a shifuku.
Main fabrics types- meibutsu-gire 名物
Shin kinran, ginran 金襴 銀欄
Gyo donsu 緞子
So kanto 間道、漢島,広東
Shifuku on a chaire
nishiki 錦
moru 毛宇留、等
in-kin, kin-sha 印金、金紗
The Senke Jusshoku (Ten Craftsmen for the Sen family) for sewing is Tsuchida Yuko 土田友湖. Other places that do shifuku are Tokusai, Tatsumura, and many private persons Shifuku on a chaire
The cord of the shifuku is sometimes very long. This is called a NagaO. Especially Daikai will always have a long cord on their shifuku.