Temae – Chaire Kazari (茶入荘)

Chaire Kazari (茶入飾り) is a temae performed when there is a special connection between the host and the guest through the chaire. It can also be used if the chaire was received as a gift.



  • Mizusashi
  • Chawan
  • Chakin
  • Chasen
  • Chashaku
  • Kobukusa
  • Chaire, with special meaning or connection between host and guest
  • Kensui
  • Ao Take Futaoki
  • Hishaku
  • Kama
  • Furo or Ro depending on season.


Temae Video


Everything is the same as regular koicha except that the guest will ask “Chaire no goyuisho wa?” (茶入のご由緒は) and the host will respond with the explanation for why he is doing kazari temae for this chaire.
