April 24, 2018
袋棚 A tana used by Ueda Soko-ryu in the Kusari no ma. In the past they placed the kensui within the cupboard and took it…
袋棚 A tana used by Ueda Soko-ryu in the Kusari no ma. In the past they placed the kensui within the cupboard and took it…
Tana is also a category of pages, find the complete list of pages in the tana category. Introduction Tana 棚 (shelf / stand), used during…
Daisu is the original utensils stand for tea, or the first of the tana. Shin daisu 真台子-3.0.0 (90.9) x 1.4.2 (43) x 0.1.4 (4.2cm) Gyo daisu 行台子-…
The Araiso-dana is among the numerous tana that are konomi of Tantansai, the 14th iemoto. Like the Koko-dana, the Araiso-dana has four legs and three…